How to Stay Positive During Covid-19 Pandemic: 5 Tips from Wholistic Living

As of August 14, 2020, the Coronavirus has infected over 21 million people all over the world. 

The global pandemic is not only causing physical misery but is also impacting people psychologically. It is a fertile ground for mental wellness concerns like depression, anxiety disorders, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorders), and eating and sleeping disorders. In this situation, it is tough to stay positive even for the most optimistic and joyful person. 

With a quill of negativity hovering over the world, it is very important to stay positive. Focusing on positivity can help to overcome this storm.  

Tips To Stay Positive During COVID-19 Pandemic

It is rightly said that “excess of everything is harmful.” In this prevailing situation, it is important not to be winded up with each facet or news of the fast-spreading virus. This can be counterproductive. However, it is crucial to know how to protect yourself and your family from the coronavirus. 

It takes each and every ounce of energy to stay positive in these tough times. Here are some powerful ways from the wholistic lifestyle to stay positive during this pandemic. 

1. Limit Your Intake

Practicing self-discipline to avoid overeating caused due to stress is a wholistic approach to live a healthy and positive life. Wholistic diet is about eating healthy plant-based food for optimum fitness and wellness. Hallmarks of wholistic nutrition include unprocessed and unrefined whole foods. Add foods like tomatoes, oranges, leafy greens, and fresh herbs into your diet that help in increasing immunity. 

2. Laughter is the Best Medicine

J.K. Rowling once said, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

It is important to allow happiness to pass-through in these dark moments. Watch funny and motivational videos to take the mind off from stressful things. This is what you learn when you take a membership of Dr. Nancy’s Wholistic Living Membership.

3. Utilize the Time

In this lockdown, we have plenty of time. This is the right opportunity to do things that we neglected in the past. People can now focus on the stuff for which they didn’t have the time earlier. This can help them to accelerate their progress. 

Trying to learn something productive and then basking in its glory can certainly be jovial. It can give you self satisfaction and eternal happiness. So, use this time to acquire new skills, abilities, and whatnot.

4. Practice Acts of Kindness

Research says that practicing an act of kindness can make a person feel happier. The wholistic lifestyle encourages this act as it helps to feel positive and relish good experiences. 

The warm and emotional feeling of wellbeing when a person does something kind is not only in the head, it is also in the brain chemicals. Acts of kindness release hormones that add to the mood and overall health. 

Dr. Waguih William IsHak, professor of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai says that “one can easily walk through the path of happiness by practicing acts of kindness toward others.”

Kudos then; let’s go for it!

5. Adequate Amount of Sleep

Good sleep is equal to good health. It is a well-known fact that sleep is a vital biological function necessary for life. While sleeping several significant functions occur that aids the body in physical repair and healing, support cardiac function, body metabolism, and brain development. Sleep also improves memory and supports learning. According to The NIH, “The activation of the immune system modifies sleep, and in turn, sleep alters the natural and adaptable arm of the body’s defense system.”

So, in these tough situations, make sure that you sleep for at least 8-hours. Happy sleep, happy life!!

Bonus Tip: Meditation

Meditation is powerful and extremely beneficial for keeping your mind positive. It is the process of training the mind to focus and redirect the thoughts. The regular practice of meditation alleviates the symptoms of stress, anxiety, negative thoughts, depression, and worries. It improves the immune system, sleep cycle, reduces blood pressure, boosts memory, and lowers the cholesterol levels. Meditation helps to feel good and happy. 


Amid this pandemic, stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations are certainly not unusual. But an antidote to this is leading to a positive mindset that is much needed to march ahead with hope and determination. It is the only thing that matters in this distressing time. 

Practice activities that are heartwarming, positive, laughter-inducing, and stress-reducing. 

All these things are taken care of by Dr. Nancy’s Body Soul Essentials Membership. Become a Member and stay positive with the help of wholistic lifestyle tools.

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